September 25
(Venue: Moscow, M.N. Ermolova House Museum)
Plenary session
Kuzicheva Alevtina Pavlovna, Ph.D., member of the Academic Council of the A. A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum (Moscow)
When was "Uncle Vanya" written at last?
Elena Mironovna Gushanskaya, Ph.D., associate professor (St. Petersburg)
"The Wood Demon " – is it the original play or the revised edition of "Uncle Vanya"?
Gaponenkov Alexey Alekseevich, Doctor of Philology, Professor. Saratov State University. University (Saratov)
The play "Uncle Vanya" by A. P. Chekhov in the context of the "philosophy of life".
Novikova Natalia Vladislavovna, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Saratov State University. University (Saratov)
"Uncle Vanya" as part of A. P. Skaftymov's notes on Chekhov's playwriting.
Marina Chengarovna Larionova, PhD, Head of the Philology Laboratory of the Institute of Socio-Economic and Humanitarian Studies of the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Rostov-on-Don)
From the Wood Demon... (plays by A.P. Chekhov and folk demonology).
Georges Banu, Prof. The Sorbonne Institute of Theatrical Studies (France, Paris)
"Some kind of labyrinth. Twenty-six spacious rooms": Secrets of the Voynitsky House.
Gulchenko Viktor Vladimirovich, theater critic, director, head of the Department for the study and popularization of the creative theatrical heritage of A. P. Chekhov of the A. A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum (Moscow)
"The World Soul" of Treplev and "The county Soul" of Astrov.
Elena Konstantinovna Murenina, Ph.D., Professor. University of East Carolina (USA, Greenville)
Parameters of the intercultural relevance of the classical text: "Uncle Vanya" as a phenomenon of English-language cinema of the 1990s.
Kubasov Alexander Vasilyevich, Ph.D., Professor. Ural State Pedagogical University (Yekaterinburg)
Literature as an aesthetic phenomenon of the comedy "The Wood Demon".
Maya A. Volchkevich, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Russian State University (Moscow)
"Eternal Uncle" of Russian literature ("The Village of Stepanchikovo and its Inhabitants" by F. M. Dostoevsky, "The Wood Demon" and "Uncle Vanya" by A.P. Chekhov).
Ivanova Natalia Fedorovna, Ph.D., Associate Professor at Novgorod State University. University (Veliky Novgorod)
From the music that sounds ("The Wood Demon ") to a non-sounding one ("Uncle Vanya").
Ekaterina Vinogradova, Ph.D., senior lecturer at the Russian State University (Moscow)
"The Wood Demon" and "Uncle Vanya" from the point of view of the theory of speech genres.
Tretyakova Elena Yuryevna, Doctor of Philology (Krasnodar)
About Chekhov's hierarchy of genres (Based on the plays "The Wood Demon" and "Uncle Vanya").
Dolzhenkov Pyotr Nikolaevich, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Moscow State University (Moscow)
“The Wood Demon" and "Uncle Vanya": a comparative analysis of the plays.
Evening program
"Uncle Vanya" The performance of the theater "International Chekhov Laboratory" (Theater Mansion, 23 Bibliotechnaya str. – organized departure of the conference participants from the House-Museum of M. N. Ermolova at 18.00
September 26th
(Venue: A. P. Chekhov State Literary Memorial Museum-Reserve "Melikhovo")
Section "Poetics of "The Wood Demon" and "Uncle Vanya"
Bushkanets Liya Efimovna, Ph.D., professor. Kazan Federal University (Kazan)
The age of the characters of "The Wood Demon " and "Uncle Vanya", or to the question of the plausibility of psychological characteristics in the plays by Anton Chekhov.
Anatoly Samuilovich Sobennikov, Ph.D., Professor. (St. Petersburg)
"The Wood Demon" and "Uncle Vanya" by A. P. Chekhov in the aspect of gender psychology.
Korenkova Tatyana Viktorovna, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow)
Mythopoetics of female images in the play "Uncle Vanya".
Tyutelova Larisa Gennadievna, PhD, Associate Professor of Samara National Research University (Samara)
The plot roles of Dyadin and Waffle in "The Wood Demon" and "Uncle Vanya".
Leksina Anna Vladimirovna, PhD, Associate Professor at the State University of Social Sciences and Humanities (Kolomna)
Real and illusory life in the play "Uncle Vanya": options for reading the provincial-metropolitan text.
Natalia Markovna Shcharenskaya, PhD, Associate Professor at the Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don)
Metaphorical images of life and death in the plays "The Wood Demon" and "Uncle Vanya" by A. P. Chekhov.
Yablonskaya Elena Evgenievna, PhD, writer (Chernogolovka, Moscow region)
How Georges Voynitsky became Uncle Vanya (from "The Wood Demon " to "Uncle Vanya", or from "a wood demon" to "a goblin”).
Kibalnik Sergey Akimovich, Ph.D., Senior Researcher at the Institute of Russian Literature IRLI of the Russian Academy of Sciences RAS (St. Petersburg)
A.P. Chekhov's notebook with medical prescriptions.
September 27
(Venue: Moscow, M. N. Ermolova House Museum)
Section "The Wood Demon" and "Uncle Vanya" on the theater stage"
Olga V. Spachil, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Kuban State University (Krasnodar)
Play "Uncle Vanya" by Anton Chekhov in the theatrical life of Elisavetgrad.
Petukhova Elena Nikolaevna, Ph.D., Professor. St. Petersburg State University of Economics (St. Petersburg)
"Traditional" and "modernity" in theatrical productions of "Uncle Vanya" (about the reading of the play by Chekhovvat the St. Petersburg Theater on Vasilievsky Island).
Nikoletich Sandra, PhD student at Moscow State University (Croatia)
"Uncle Vanya" – translations and productions in Croatia.
Natalia Dmitrievna Yankevich, a student of the Saratov State Conservatory (Saratov)
"The Wood Demon" and "Uncle Vanya" on the stage.
Akhmetshin Ruslan Borisovich, Ph.D., Associate Professor at Moscow State University (Moscow)
Theatrical prose by V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko: in search of a solution.
Sadvakasova Laura Kuandykovna, Master's student at Moscow State University (Kazakhstan, Astana)
Regarding the problem of literary relations between V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko and A. P. Chekhov.
Golovacheva Alla Georgievna, Ph.D., Senior researcher. A. A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum (Moscow)
Regarding the permissible limits of the date of "Uncle Vanya".
Evening program
Screening of the film The Wood Demon by Donald McWhinnie (Great Britain, 1974).