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Weather station Melikhovo

Weather station Melikhovo

About exposure

The Melikhovo weather station is a new interactive educational space of the museum. It combines on one site a modern automatic weather station (AWS) from the 21st century, an active weather station from the 20th century, and a set of instruments for weather observation from the late 19th century.

Owing to operational modern automatic meteorological station, the museum continues the tradition of weather observations and collection of statistical information in Melikhovo, set up by Anton Chekhov at the end of the 19th century.

This is an interesting, but little-known side of the writer’s public activity. In the Melikhovo years, landowner Anton P. Chekhov became a voluntary correspondent for the Department of Rural Economy and Agricultural Statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property. For several years he monitored the weather on a gratis basis, thus collecting statistical information and phenological data.

Automatic weather station (AWS)  "Melikhovo" is the only weather station officially registered in the international meteorological network in the Chekhov district of the Moscow Region. It became the 37th meteorological data collection point in the Moscow Region. “Melikhovo” is the only Russian literary and memorial museum-reserve where systematic meteorological observations are conducted.

The operating weather station has a standard set of meteorological instruments for weather observations. It is open to museum visitors. This is a sort of an interactive platform for educational family leisure and a resource base for out-of-class study, research and Project Management of schoolchildren in their learning the surrounding world, geography and physics.