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Museum Manor of Lopasnya-Zachatievskoye

Museum Manor of Lopasnya-Zachatievskoye


142300, Moscow region, Chekhov, Pushkin str., 10

Working schedule

Monday, Tuesday — closed

Wednesday-Sunday - from 10:00 to 17:00
The cash desk is open until 16:45

Last Friday of the month - sanitary day


8 (496) 723 03 89



Director of the branch estate “Lopasnya-Zachatievskoe”
Timoshkova Galina Nikolaevna

About the Estate

The Lopasnya-Zachatievskoye Estate Museum is a monument of architecture and landscape art of the 18th – 19th centuries of federal significance. The museum's exhibition is dedicated to the history of family and friendly ties between the owners of the Vasilchikov estate and the Pushkins, Lanskys and Goncharovs. Although the museum is still very young, it already has an interesting exhibition dedicated to the owners and guests of the estate, their life, leisure, and their contribution to the history and culture of Russia.

The museum is located in one of the beautiful corners of the Moscow region, within the city of Chekhov, on the territory of an ancient manor park stretching along the right bank of the river. Lopasni. This land is closely connected with the names of the descendants of A.S. Pushkin, who were frequent and welcome guests here for many decades. The manor house of the mid-18th century has been preserved in Baroque style, with an Empire porch from 1827. Adjacent to the house is a picturesque landscaped park with traces of a regular layout, with 7 cascading ponds. The windows of the estate open directly onto the park, and the foliage of centuries-old trees brings coolness and freshness to the halls. The interiors of the house, thanks to carefully completed restoration work, have been restored to the way they were in the second half of the 19th century, when the descendants of A.S. lived here. Pushkin. Without a doubt, the estate ensemble is one of the most beautiful places in the Moscow region.

The historical estate complex also includes the Church of the Conception of Righteous Anna of the late 17th - first half of the 19th centuries with the necropolis of the descendants of A.S. located on its territory. Pushkin. Here rest the poet’s eldest son Alexander Alexandrovich Pushkin, his wife Sofya Alexandrovna (née Lanskaya), their sons Sergei, Grigory, granddaughter Sofya Pavlovna Vorontsova-Velyaminova. The necropolis also contains the family graves of the owners of the Vasilchikov estate, who were related by family ties to the Pushkins, Lanskys and Goncharovs.

The eldest daughter of the poet M.A. often visited the estate. Hartung; Her room has been carefully restored in the museum, as well as the office of her brother Alexander Alexandrovich Pushkin.

In 1917, in the estate, the heirs of A.S. Pushkin, a box with the poet’s papers was discovered - business correspondence and the manuscript of the unfinished “History of Peter”. In the pre-revolutionary years, the estate was owned by N.N.’s nieces. Pushkina-Lanskaya Goncharov sisters. During this period, the name “Goncharovsky House” was assigned to the main house of the estate, and later the estate began to be called “Pushkinskoye Gnezdo”. One of the many family nests, Lopasnya-Zachatievskoe, thanks to the destinies of several generations of noble nobility intertwined under its roof, is a universally significant phenomenon for our culture.

The Lopasnya-Zachatievskoye Estate Museum is part of the Community of Pushkin Museums in Russia and CIS countries. It is a branch of the State Literary and Memorial Museum-Reserve of A.P. Chekhov "Melikhovo" (14 kilometers along the highway in the direction of Nerastanny).

The museum has a Children's Museum Center for History and Local Lore; An educational center with a library and exhibition halls is being formed on the mezzanine and attic floors.

The museum organizes thematic exhibitions, balls and creative evenings, and annually celebrates significant dates: 

  • February 10 is the day of memory of A.S. Pushkin
  • June 6 – Pushkin holiday
  • September 8 – Natalya’s Day
  • The last Saturday of September is the day of remembrance of the partisan Prince N.D. Kudasheva
  • October 19 is the day of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

The museum workers are passionate professionals who strive to create on the basis of the museum not just a real cultural center, but also to recreate, as it were, a second home for the living descendants of A.S. Pushkin, most of which are connected by roots with this “Pushkin’s Nest”.

Travel by electric trains in the Kursk direction to the station. "Chekhov", then by city bus to the stop "Chekhov Square"; from Art. metro station "Lesoparkovaya" by bus No. 365 to the stop. "Square named after Chekhov"; by road from the Moscow Ring Road along the federal highway "Crimea" to the "65th kilometer" mark, turn to Chekhov