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Participants of the international Christmas tree decorations competition visited the Lopasnya-Zachatievskoye Estate Museum

Participants of the international Christmas tree decorations competition visited the Lopasnya-Zachatievskoye Estate Museum

Date added:

27 December 2023, We


  The contest is held within the framework of the international project to promote Russian New Year's culture "NEW YEAR AND CHRISTMAS PRESIDENTED BY ALL THE WORLD" of the international multicultural educational initiative "Peace in the Dialogue of Cultures", implemented within the framework of the Commission on Patriotic and Spiritual and Moral Education of Children and Youth.

The main theme of this New Year's toy fireworks competition is "Friendship of Nations in Crafts and Symbols of Russia". The Competition also has special nominations, one of which is "Pushkin's Christmas Tree". In this nomination it was necessary to create handmade Christmas tree toys based on the works of A.S. Pushkin.

The contestants in this nomination came to the  museum, the exposition of which is devoted to the history of family and friendly relations of the owners of the Vasilchikov estate with the Pushkins, Lanskys and Goncharovs. The poet's eldest daughter M.A. Gartung was a frequent visitor here; her room has been carefully restored in the museum, as well as the study of her brother Alexander Alexandrovich Pushkin.

Guests were able to get acquainted  with the museum, as well as to decorate the estate Christmas tree with their own toys, which became the winners of the Competition.

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