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"Tatiana's Day - Student's Day"

"Tatiana's Day - Student's Day"

Date added:

18 January 2024, Th


  On 25 January, Melikhov will host the "Tatiana's Day - Student's Day" event.

On the Day of Russian Studenthood the entrance to the territory of the A.P. Chekhov's Melikhovo Museum-Reserve will be free of charge for full-time and evening students of higher educational establishments, students of technical and vocational colleges or for those who have the name Tatiana.

"Traditionally, on Student Day, the museum prepares gifts for university students and guests with the name Tatiana. This year, in addition to free visits, we have prepared free excursions for them," the organisers stressed.

The thematic excursions will start at 12.00 and 14.00. During the excursion programme, guests will get to know Chekhov the student better and learn many new details about the Melikhov period of his life.

See also in section News