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The winners of the XIV Chekhov International Recitation Competition were announced in Melikhov. A.P. Chekhov

The winners of the XIV Chekhov International Recitation Competition were announced in Melikhov. A.P. Chekhov

Date added:

28 January 2024, Su


 A solemn awarding ceremony for the winners of the Chekhov International Recitation Competition was held in the Museum's Theatre Yard. The theme of the fourteenth competition was "Chekhov and Pushkin". The theme of the fourteenth competition was "Chekhov and Pushkin", so the works of the two classics of Russian literature were performed on the museum stage.

Opening the gala concert of the winners, the chairman of the jury Yuri Ivanovich Golyshev noted: "It is gratifying that the annual Melikhov recitation competitions revive and support the interest of young professionals in the art of recitation. From year to year the number of participants is growing. The artistic word, voiced and enlivened, by the masters of artistic  reading resonates with the listeners, it is nice to see that there are regular spectators and fans of the competition in the hall".

35 young professional artists and students of the leading theatre universities of Russia and Belarus competed in a difficult type of performing skills. The jury of the competition selected the following winners:

1 place
Shaydarov Nikita, State Academic Maly Theatre, A. P. Chekhov "The Avenger"

2nd place 
Alexander Denisov, Boris Shchukin Theatre Institute, A.S. Pushkin "Poltava";
Daniil Eremin, M.S. Shchepkin Higher Theatre School, A.S. Pushkin "The Shot".

3 place 
Molotkova Alexandra, Yaroslavl State Theatre Institute, A.P.Chekhov "Whitefoot";
Polyashova Angelina, Chekhov City Theatre, A.P.Chekhov "Chamber No.6";
Tsikalo Artem, Theatre Institute of Saratov State Conservatory named after L.V.Sobinov, A.S.Pushkin "The Snowstorm".

Diploma holders:
Budanova Olga, Theatre "Oleg Budankov's Workshop", A.P. Chekhov "Mysterious Nature";
Wang Jian Bo, Belarusian State Academy of Arts, A.P. Chekhov "Gone";
Arkhipov Ilya, Novosibirsk State Theatre Institute, A.P. Chekhov "Tragedian at will";
Lekhanova Ksenia, Yaroslavl State Theatre Institute, A.P. Chekhov "Fugitive";
Lekhanova Ksenia, Yaroslavl State Theatre Institute, A.P.Chekhov "The Fugitive";
Alevtina Eremeyeva, M.S. Schepkin Higher Theatre School, A.P. Chekhov "Mother-in-law Lawyer";
Nadezhda Novikova, Russian State Institute of Stage Arts, A.P. Chekhov "Princess". Chekhov "Princess";
Kondratyuk Elizaveta, Boris Shchukin Theatre Institute, Alexander Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan";
Popov Fedor, M.S. Shchepkin Higher Theatre School, Alexander Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

Congratulations to the winners!

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