Date added:
20 February 2024, Tu
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20 February 2024, Tu
The Central Children's Library of the Chekhov Urban District hosted an offsite museum session "Maryushkin's Tale - About Porridge Story", which was attended by the senior and preschool groups of the preschool department of Gymnasium No. 2.
A Russian proverb says: "Shchi da kasha is our food". In Russia, porridge was revered, cooked from flour and grain, sometimes the grain was only boiled. Fragrant porridge from a Russian oven and in a clay pot - what could be more nutritious and healthy.
The peasant Maryushka introduced the young guests to the traditional dish of Russian cuisine - porridge. Children competed in speed and agility in a fun relay race with chugunks, and also learned how their favourite porridge grows, and also tried themselves as artists and took part in the staging of the fairy tale "Kasha from an Axe".