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Maslenitsa in Melikhovo

Maslenitsa in Melikhovo

Date added:

16 March 2024, Sa


Throughout the Maslenitsa week, the museum hosted a children's interactive program “Have fun, honest people, Maslenitsa is coming to us!” Young guests of the museum got acquainted with the traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa in Rus', participated in the games and entertainments of Maslenitsa week, and made a canned broom with their own hands.

And now it’s time for the big party! Various festival venues offered entertainment for every taste.

The Moscow Cossack ensemble “BEARD FOLK” involved everyone in cheerful round dances, dances and traditional Maslenitsa competitions. The guests danced and sang with all their hearts! You could maintain your cheerful mood at the concert of the Russian Timbre ensemble. The timbre accordions played by the musicians resembled the “voice” of some wind instrument in their sound.

You could learn about tea drinking traditions, see ancient samovars, and also learn how to draw them at the site organized by the mobile project “House with a Samovar.”

The interactive programs “Each Hut Has Its Own Toys” and “Collar, Harness and Other Horse Stories” told about Russian traditions and customs.
In the “Theater Yard” the Melikhovo Theater presented performances based on the works of A.P. Chekhov, and excursions were held in the main house of the estate.
As in ancient times, the holiday ended with the burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa. We spent the winter in Melikhovo having fun and with a sparkle!

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