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In the Museum of Letters of A.P. Chekhov held a meeting with philocartist Evgeny Novikov

In the Museum of Letters of A.P. Chekhov held a meeting with philocartist Evgeny Novikov

Date added:

02 April 2024, Tu


In the Museum of Letters of A.P. Chekhov held a meeting with philocartist Evgeniy Novikov.

The museum is currently hosting an exhibition of postcards from his collection. Evgeniy spoke about the most interesting exhibits on display, how they came to him, and the history of their famous senders and recipients.

Visitors to the exhibition were able to trace the century and a half history of Russian postcards - from the very first postal forms to modern postcards with augmented reality and drawn by artificial intelligence.

President of the Union of Philocartists of Russia Vasily Volkov noted: “Any exhibition dedicated to postcards is a wonderful event. And an exhibition made by a real collector is doubly wonderful. Collecting postcards is not only an interesting hobby, but also the preservation of cultural heritage. You can easily find examples throughout Russia where restorers and researchers obtained the information they needed from ancient postcards. I wish this exhibition to arouse interest among visitors, and of course, let exhibitions with postcards become regular guests of this site.”

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