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Military-patriotic game «Flying squads of Prince N.D. Kudashev»

Military-patriotic game «Flying squads of Prince N.D. Kudashev»

Date added:

19 September 2023, Tu


Employees of the Lopasnya-Zachatievskoye Estate Museum, students fr om Chekhov schools, students from the Chekhov College and schoolchildren from Podolsk are preparing for a responsible mission: the liberation of Lopasnya and Podolsk from the “French invaders.”

Preparation for the game “Flying Squads of Prince N.D. Kudasheva" was long and serious. Since April, museum staff have been conducting classes for participants, wh ere the children consolidated their knowledge about the main events of the War of 1812, about the commanders of the Russian and French armies, learned about the medical care system, what uniforms and weapons the soldiers and officers of the Russian and French armies had. Participants in the game studied some of the material about military operations independently, under the guidance of their teachers. This is not the first year that students have taken part in the game and are also actively preparing for the event.

On September 28 at 12.00 the main stage of the game starts, in which 12 squads will take part. For now, the winner's cup is kept by Cossacks SP-2. We will find out who will get it this year after the end of the partisan war in Lopasnya!

See also in section News