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Melikhovsky Theater will present to lipchans «A guide for those who want to get married»

Melikhovsky Theater will present to lipchans «A guide for those who want to get married»

Date added:

15 September 2023, Fr


As part of the Lipetsk Theater Meetings festival, which is held annually by the Lipetsk State Academic Drama Theater named after. L.N. Tolstoy, “Chekhov Studio” will present one of the new performances “A Guide for Those Who Want to Get Married.”

A light, sparkling performance based on the works of A.P. Chekhov combines five stories: “Gone”, “Diplomat”, “Oh, Women, Women!...”, “Happy Ending”, “A Woman Without Prejudice”.

  The creators of the play will invite the audience of the theater forum, with a touch of humor and sarcasm, to reflect on this “eternal topic”, perhaps recognize themselves in the characters and smile.

As the director of the play, Kirill Loskutov, emphasized: “Family life begins with a wedding. In the old days they said not to “celebrate,” but to “play” a wedding, so viewers will plunge into the atmosphere of the wedding feast and see various family stories. As you know, there are no perfect relationships, but flaws become less important if you truly love each other.”

Lipetsk Drama Theater named after. Tolstoy is a long-time friend of the A.P. Museum-Reserve. Chekhov "Melikhovo", this theater is the founder of the "Melikhovo Spring" festival, which takes place annually in the Chekhov estate. Often the Melikhovo and Lipetsk theaters perform at each other’s venues.

“Lipetsk Theater Meetings” have been held since 1985. The festival participants are theaters from Russian cities and other countries. They show performances based on the works of Russian classics, as well as modern drama.

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