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The Melikhovo Museum took part in the International Action «World Bird Watching Days».

The Melikhovo Museum took part in the International Action «World Bird Watching Days».

Date added:

03 October 2023, Tu


Under the guidance of birdwatcher, teacher of geography and biology, Member of the Russian Bird Conservation Union and the Russian Geographical Society, Mikhail Dyorov, museum guests contributed to civic science and counted all the birds they encountered.

An unusual ornithological walk took place on the main territory of the museum, in the village of Melikhovo, on the territory of the zemstvo school and even in a field outside the village. During the walk, stagnant fresh water bodies (ponds), a section of an old park, a field biotope, a settlement with abandoned buildings, a garden and a section of forest were examined.

Our guests saw the flight of finches and white wagtails in the field, the migration of magpies, great tits and hooded crows, a group of mallards, local jackdaws and tree sparrows. Unexpected and pleasant were the encounters with wood pigeons (wood pigeons) and yellow-headed wrens, which are also currently in an active nomadic period. During the survey we were pleased to see greenfinches and a great spotted woodpecker.

These meetings with feathered inhabitants delighted museum guests and helped them learn many new facts about birds.



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