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Saved the apple...

Saved the apple...

Date added:

19 August 2023, Sa


In Melikhov, three Spasas were celebrated at once, and the museum hosted a festival of folk traditions.

The event began with a prayer service and the consecration of apples, which were then served to numerous guests, and continued at various sites, where you could find entertainment for every taste!

The meeting with folk music was presented by a unique ensemble, a laureate of all-Russian and international festivals, the orchestra of folk instruments "Magic Strings".  The ensemble consists of five professional musicians who own more than 15 musical instruments. And soulful lyrical songs were performed by Sergey Borzov, an artist of the legendary musical "The Phantom of the Opera".

Antique genre samovars of the mid-19th - early 20th centuries, attributes of Russian feast and tea drinking, picturesque paintings with the theme of the holiday were presented by the mobile cultural and educational project "House with samovar".

The project "Fashion from the People" showed a colourful defile of Russian holiday costume. The guests had an opportunity not only to see, but also to create their own Russian image in brightly coloured sundresses and kokoshniks in the museum photo salon. And those who came to the holiday in folk costumes took part in the contest "Rural Fashion Verdict". The most original image was awarded a prize from the museum.

One could get acquainted with the feathered inhabitants of Chekhov's estate during the informative walk "Birds' trills of Melikhov's garden" led by birdwatcher, member of the Russian Geographical Society, member of the Russian Bird Conservation Union Mikhail Dyorov.

At the holiday it was possible to get acquainted with peasant life, with ancient crafts, to take part in numerous master classes, to hear "Honey stories from a beekeeper" by Oleg Istomin, to play ancient games, to visit dramatisations performed by the Melikhovsky theatre and the museum exposition, and to buy an original souvenir at the crafts fair.

The event was attended by more than 800 people. The organizers noted: "It is pleasant that the holiday of folk traditions every year gathers a lot of guests, the events announced in the programme tell about the celebration of Spas, about ancient crafts. It is very important not to lose the thread linking the past with the present and to pass on to the younger generation all the charm and originality of Russian traditions and customs".

See also in section News