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Opening of the exhibition «Pedagogy of L.N. Tolstoy: experience and freedom»

Opening of the exhibition «Pedagogy of L.N. Tolstoy: experience and freedom»

Date added:

10 June 2023, Sa


The exhibition "L.N. Tolstoy's Pedagogy: Experience and Freedom" opened in the Museum of A.P. Chekhov's Letters.

Alexandra Mustonina, a specialist in exposition and exhibition activities of the Leo Tolstoy State Museum, took part in the opening of the exhibition, she said: "Leo Nikolaevich believed that the school should become a pedagogical laboratory, which would allow to teach a "free child" and understand what kind of knowledge is needed. Throughout his life he addressed a wide range of pedagogical problems, issues of family upbringing. Brilliant in form, his pedagogical reflections are full of wise revelations, sometimes striking in their novelty and unconventionality. His contribution to pedagogy is that he put into practice "the idea of free education", which was organised in the Yasnopolyanskaya school for peasant children".

The exhibition exposition introduces printed editions in which the pedagogical works of L.N. Tolstoy were published, here you can see fragments of his pupils' works, paintings and photographs depicting Tolstoy the teacher, as well as colourful illustrations of the writer's works for children.

The exhibits are provided from the funds of the Leo Tolstoy State Museum. It is very symbolic to hold the exhibition in the cosy Museum of A.P. Chekhov's Letters! Tolstoy and Chekhov... Bright and significant figures in literature and society, they appreciated each other's work, they were interested in views and value systems different from their own.

The exhibition will run until 22 October.

See also in section News