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Cultural insomnia: «Night of Museums» took place in Melikhovo

Cultural insomnia: «Night of Museums» took place in Melikhovo

Date added:

20 May 2023, Sa


"Night of Museums" is the name of the all-Russian action timed to coincide with the International Museum Day, which is celebrated annually on 18 May. This is the time when galleries, estates and exhibition halls of Russian cities are open to the public in the evening and at night. The point is that visitors can not only see the permanent expositions of museums, but also take part in the events prepared by them specially for this event. Every year the Melikhov Museum offers unique entertainment and educational programmes for its guests.

This year the guests were offered to take part in a synquain competition - it is both creative and analytical work: it is necessary to extract the main thing and express it in a figurative form. The best synquaines will be available on the museum's social networks.

The informative walks "...I could have been a gardener..." were very popular. As is known, the vegetable garden for Chekhov's family served not only as a source of fresh vegetables and herbs, but was also a small world that gave joy. And the garden gave inspiration: "Melikhovo has become unrecognisable for us and now seems unusually cosy and beautiful", - wrote A.P. Chekhov.

The participants were also invited to master-classes, classical music concerts and an atmospheric photo salon of the 19th century. The highlight of the programme was the "Sand Symphony" - to the sound of music the artist created wonderful pictures and plots drawn in sand on a special light field.

We thank all those who helped the holiday to take place and took an active part in it!

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