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«Neskuchny Chekhov» in Melikhovo

«Neskuchny Chekhov» in Melikhovo

Date added:

23 April 2023, Su


On 23 April, the A.P. Chekhov Museum-Reserve "Melikhovo" hosted a unique event of four programmes "Neskuchny Chekhov".

During the programme the museum staff dispelled the textbook image of Anton Pavlovich, introduced the guests to the Melikhovo period of his life, the main house of the estate, in the educational exposition "The Writer's Kitchen" told about writing habits, pseudonyms, famous Chekhov's notebooks, what time of day and time of year, in what weather Chekhov worked best.

One could learn about Anton Pavlovich's musical preferences in the musical lounge, where the best students of the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatoire performed masterpieces of world classics that were played in Chekhov's house.

The guests had a tasty and interesting time at the dacha tea party: they learnt about its rules, what kinds of tea the Chekhovs preferred and what sweets they served. Over a cup of fragrant tea and cakes, the guests were told about the joys and difficulties of 19th century dacha life.

They could apply their knowledge, logic and erudition at an entertaining quiz show organised by the organisers of the Brainmania project in Chekhov.

See also in section News