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Descendant of A.S. Pushkin in the Lopasnensky estate

Descendant of A.S. Pushkin in the Lopasnensky estate

Date added:

28 March 2023, Tu


On 25 March the Lopasnya-Zachatievskoye Estate was visited by distinguished guests: the artist Natalia Khodyacheva and Nikolai Danilevsky, a descendant of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin.

Nikolay Danilevsky is a direct descendant of the great Russian poet on the line of his eldest son Alexander Alexandrovich Pushkin (1833-1914). One of A.A. Pushkin's daughters - Nikolai's great-great-grandmother Maria Alexandrovna - in 1881 married Nikolai Vladimirovich Bykov, a nephew of N.V. Gogol, in the estate church of Anna-Zachatievsky.

Nikolai Sergeyevich Danilevsky - Soviet and Russian artist, decorator, teacher, representative of the last wave of St Petersburg underground. He is a permanent member of the International Association of Artists of the Descendants of Noble Families. Founder of the St Petersburg school of fantastic realism.

Natalia Khodyacheva is a representative of the noble Pustoshkin family, a descendant of the famous dramatic actor Ivan Petrovich Pustoshkin (1795-1842). In 1817-20 I.P. Pustoshkin (stage name Boretsky) met with A.S. Pushkin at Prince A.A. Shakhovsky, which was mentioned by Pushkin in "My remarks about the Russian theatre".

Natalia is a painter, photographer, and set designer. Her works are in museums and private collections in Russia, Great Britain, Spain and a number of other countries.

A day earlier, on 24 March, the State Museum-Reserve "Ostafievo" - "Russian Parnassus" hosted the opening of Nikolai Danilevsky and Natalia Khodyacheva's exhibition "Notebook". Having stood the test of time, the project is of great interest to the viewer.

Upon arrival at the Lopasnensky estate, the first thing Nikolai did was to visit the necropolis and lay flowers on the graves of his ancestors. Stephan, a servant of the church, told about the history of the manor church of Anna-Zachatievsky and its main shrines.

The trip to Lopasnya was accompanied by a pleiad of bright and talented people: the author of the idea of the exhibition "Notebook" Alfiya Rakhmatullina; editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Kazanskie Vedomosti" Venera Yakupova; deputy director of the newspaper "Kazanskie Vedomosti" Lilya Khorisova; director of gymnasium No. 9 named after A.S. Pushkin A.S. Pushkin; director of the school No. 9 named after A.S. Pushkin A.S. Kuznetsov. Aliya Shagaeva; Elena Knyazheva, Deputy Director of the Ostafyevo Museum; Larisa Cherkashina, a well-known Pushkinist and a long-time and good friend of the museum.

Galina Nikolaevna Timoshkova, Director of the Estate "Lopasnya-Zachatievskoye", warmly welcomed the guests and took them around the house where the poet's children lived and his grandchildren were brought up.

Nikolay Danilevsky paid special attention to the items donated to the museum by A.S. Pushkin's descendants: a gold pocket watch belonging to the poet's eldest son Alexander Alexandrovich; personal belongings of the poet's eldest daughter Maria Alexandrovna; a commemorative medallion ordered by A.A. Pushkin in the year of the death of his first wife S.A. Pushkina for their daughters; an image of the Mother of God Vsepetaya and other valuable gifts.

The day spent in the Lopasnensky estate by Nikolay Danilevsky, a descendant of A.S. Pushkin, was spent in a warm, one could say, family atmosphere.

As we parted, we agreed on future meetings and joint creative projects.

I am glad that the path to the "Pushkin's Nest", as the people call the Estate "Lopasnya-Zachatievskoye", is not overgrown, which is still used by the descendants of the great poet!

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