Date added:
03 March 2023, Fr
Размер шрифта
03 March 2023, Fr
Dear friends!
We invite you to take part in the competition of birdhouses and bird feeders "A table and a house...". The results of the contest will be announced on 1 April at 16.00 as part of the "Feathered Weekend" event in Melikhov.
Come to the museum with your birdhouses or feeders made and painted by your own hands, maybe they will be of original shape or with your company logo.
Organisations and people who are not indifferent are welcome! Feeders and birdhouses can be brought to the museum (Tuesday to Saturday from 10.00 to 17.00);
Birdhouses and feeders will be placed on the museum grounds. This will help to attract birds! Birds do not always have enough natural conditions, so artificial houses are very useful. In spring - for nesting, in autumn and winter - when birds lack food and need a warm place, and feeders will help birds to survive the difficult period of early spring when food becomes less and less!
When you come to visit us, you will be able to see how the birds live cosily in their new house. All participants will receive letters of thanks, and the winner will receive a gift from the museum and a special prize from the CS Ball military tactical games centre.
The jury will assess the originality, but most importantly - the comfort for the birds! After all, there are certain rules for making a birdhouse!
Construction intricacies:
- To make bird houses you need dry boards from any kind of wood, but lime, aspen, fir, spruce or pine are better.
- Boards should be sharpened only on the outside of the birdhouse, the inside should be left rough, otherwise the bird will have nothing to cling to, it will not be able to get out of the house and will die;
Phone number to register participation in the campaign: 8-903-715-72-03