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«The Lopasnya-Zachatievskoe Estate» museum is preparing to open the exhibition «Collection of Motley Chapters»

«The Lopasnya-Zachatievskoe Estate» museum is preparing to open the exhibition «Collection of Motley Chapters»

Date added:

29 January 2023, Su


The Lopasnya-Zachatievskoye Estate Museum on 10 February 2023 opens the exhibition "A Collection of Variegated Chapters. Illustrations by Yuri Mikhailovich Ignatyev to Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin".

In May 1823 in Kishinev AS Pushkin begins to write a new work - a novel in verse "Eugene Onegin". According to the author's calculations, the work on it lasted 7 years, 4 months and 17 days.

A special place in the life of the artist has always occupied A. S. Pushkin. The creative path of Yu.M. Ignatiev began and ended with the creation of illustrations for "Eugene Onegin". The first book of the artist, published in 1959, was recognised as one of the 50 best books of the year. The second one was published in 1999, after the artist's death. This dream of the master was realised by his widow I.Z. Ignatieva. For the new edition 78 watercolours were created.

The compositions were born instantly. Cursive painting is a distinctive feature of these works. The watercolours are imbued with precise knowledge and biased attitude to the epoch: it was more natural for the artist to draw a man in a cylinder and in a winged cap than his contemporary. Currently, the entire series of these illustrations is kept in the Pushkin Reserve.

The exhibition presents 70 exhibits: 68 graphic works from the collection of Fine Arts and 2 editions (1959 and 1999) of Pushkin's novel with illustrations by Y.M. Ignatiev from the museum library.

The exhibition "The collection of colourful chapters" will give visitors the opportunity to return to one of the most significant works of Russian literature - the novel "Eugene Onegin", to feel more deeply the life of that epoch and to look at the heroes of the famous work in a new way.   The exhibition will run until 14 May 2023.

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