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Museum and theatre programme «Marriage pro et contra»

Museum and theatre programme «Marriage pro et contra»


Age limit:



1 hour 30 minutes


A.P. Chekhov Museum-Reserve «Melikhovo»

The time of the event:

from June to September

upcoming event

В настоящее время нет запланированных мероприятий, но вы можете оставить заявку ниже



The guests of the museum tried to find an answer to the eternal question - "To marry or not to marry?".

At the exhibition "Marriage Fever" they learnt how A.P. Chekhov's contemporaries answered this question for themselves. Through the materials of newspapers and humorous magazines, the programme participants learned how in the 19th century people met, fell in love, got married, had children, cheated and divorced. And those who wished checked the degree of their feelings with the help of an improved thermometer - a love-meter.

The culmination of the programme was a performance-walk through A.P. Chekhov's vaudeville "The Proposal". The guests of the museum were transported to the estate of Stepan Stepanovich Chubukov, and became direct participants of a serious conflict. And at the end of the action they celebrated its favourable resolution with a glass of champagne.


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