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Graduation in Melikhov

Graduation in Melikhov


Age limit:



3 hours


A.P. Chekhov Museum-Reserve «Melikhovo»

The time of the event:


Additional information:

The lesson is held for graduates of the 4th grade The program is designed for a group of 15 to 20 people

upcoming event

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Firstly, the guys are divided into two groups and at the same time go on an excursion on the theme "Chekhov's Melikhovo".

After the tour everyone gathers at the Theatre and Exhibition Hall. Here, under the guidance of museum teachers, the groups become teams and set off on an expedition around the Melikhovskaya estate. Ahead of them are waiting fascinating tasks, having fulfilled which the children will collect keys and one of them will be able to open an ancient chest... Small souvenirs will become a good memory of the Graduation Day spent in Melikhov. And then everyone will gather round a big table, where in a warm friendly atmosphere they will drink tea according to Chekhov traditions with pirozhki and baranki.

As an additional entertainment, children and their parents will be offered to become participants of the creative team "Self Theatre". The graduates will learn the professions of costume designers, sound directors, lighting, decorators, ticket takers and, of course, actors. The finale will be a puppet show based on A.P. Chekhov's story "Kashtanka", where the children will be able to use the skills they have learnt (for an additional fee).


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See also in section Excursions and programs