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A.P. Chekhov Museum-Reserve "Melikhovo"

165 лет исполнилось со дня рождения великого русского писателя Антона Павловича Чехова
Melikhovo. A. P. Chekhov Museum-Reserve
Melikhovo. State Literary and Memorial Museum-Reserve of A. P. Chekhov.
A walk around Melikhovo
Melikhovo - Chronicle of the Russian Estate
Anton Chekhov Estate Museum in Melikhovo
Walks around Melikhov
A unique project - bird census - was launched in Melikhov
Chekhov's Melikhovsky Garden is presented at a flower exhibition in London
Anna Benn and Hannah Gardner talk about the «Anton Chekhov's Garden» project
Opening of the main manor house at Anton Chekhov's «Melikhovo» Museum-Reserve
The home of Chekhov's «The Seagull»
Interview 360. Studio guests Vladimir Kataev, Chairman of the Chekhov Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Anastasia Zhuravleva, Deputy Director for Research of the Chekhov Museum-Reserve «Melikhovo».
«Cultural Extreme» on Radio 1
Press conference at TASS
Anastasia Zhuravleva - on the life of the museum «Melikhovo». «Open Studio»
On Chekhov's birthday, two theatre projects will be summed up at the Melikhovo estate
Road trips in Russia: Going fishing in the Moscow region
About the International Recitation Competition. Channel 360
A documentary film about the XII Chekhov International Recitation Competition. A.P. Chekhov

«Chekhov Studio» Theatre of the A.P. Chekhov «Melikhovo» Museum-Reserve

Theatrical open-air
«Stand Up на скамейке»
A critic's view
Incredible adventures of foreigners in Russia
Interview with the performers of the play «Bench» as part of the «Lipetsk Theatre Meetings» theatre festival
The play «Bench». «Chekhov Studio» Theatre of the A. P. Chekhov «Melikhovo» Museum-Reserve

Melikhovskaya Spring Festival

«Мелиховская весна» стартовала японской версией «Вишневого сада» 16+ 266 просмотров 18 дней назад 5
Режиссер Мотои Миура – о спектакле "Вишневый сад"
"Мелиховская весна" началась в музее-заповеднике Чехова
"Вишневый сад" в постановке Мотои Миура открыл "Мелиховскую весну"
Прямой разговор. Мелиховская весна 2024
Театральный фестиваль «Мелиховская весна» прошел в Подмосковье
How Chekhov's "Seagull" arrived in Melikhovo from Berlin
Sergey Fedotov and the Theater At the Bridge in Melikhovo opened mysticism in Chekhov's Chaika!
SPECIAL REPORT. (Theatrical holidays) 22.05.13
Theatrical spring in Melikhovo
From the Urals with the "Seagull"
Passion for the cherry orchard
Festival at the start
A special Seagull
Chekhov gave jazz!
St. Petersburg Seagull
Theater season
Waiting for Chekhov
The Melikhovskaya Spring festival started in the Moscow region
THIS NEEDS TO BE SEEN BY #004. Melikhovskaya spring - 2019
Melikhovskaya spring-2019
The theater from Tyumen performed on the Serpukhov stage as part of the Melikhovskaya Spring Festival
Chekhov and his women: a theater festival has opened in Melikhov, where everyone will tell about the classics
Diary of the XXII International Theater Festival "Melikhovskaya Spring"
Report of NTV Melikhovskaya spring-2023
In the museum of Chekhov's estate, the Melikhovskaya Spring Festival
Serpukhov City Theater – participant of the Melikhovskaya Spring Festival


The stone of history is the stone of the future
Life in stamps
I choose Chekhov
He's gone, but he's still in our hearts
To the museum after school
Find yourself in Chekhov's works
A million for the «Seagull»
"Grew into Chekhov."
The story «White-faced». Read children