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Семейный спектакль «Чайная птица»


Age limit:



40 минут


A.P. Chekhov Museum-Reserve «Melikhovo»

Additional information:

Pushkin Map

upcoming event

16 February 2025, Su


About the event

“The Tea Bird” is a performance that will be of interest to both our young viewers and their parents and grandparents.

The performance is based on the play by Evgeny Ionov. The author of the play took as a basis the memories of Alexander Chekhov about the childhood of the younger Chekhovs.

The creators of the play talk and reflect on the topic of what Antosha Chekhov felt... How, as a small child, he tried to figure out and understand “where is truth, where is untruth,” “where is good, where is evil,” “what is faith and unbelief,” “who is more Father or mother is right”...

“We have talent from our father’s side, and our soul from our mother’s side,” the writer later admitted.
Our performance will evoke a variety of emotions, and they will remind you that childhood is a wonderful period filled with many discoveries and interesting adventures, pranks, laughter and naivety.

We all need imagination, it saves us from everyday life, from sadness and disappointment, as it once helped little Antosha Chekhov to fill his inner world and soul and become a great Russian writer, playwright, publicist, doctor and public figure.




Olga Vasileva

Frequently Asked Questions

Opening hours of the Melikhovo Museum and its branches

Museum-Reserve A.P. Chekhov's "Melikhovo"

Monday – day off
Tuesday-Sunday from 10.00 to 17.00 (the museum ticket office is open until 16.45)
Last Friday of the month – sanitary day

Melikhovo School

Monday, Tuesday – days off
Wednesday-Sunday – from 10.00 to 16.45
Last Friday of the month – sanitary day

Museum of Letters of A.P. Chekhov. Post and telegraph office st. Lopasnya

Monday, Tuesday – days off
Wednesday-Sunday from 10.00 to 17.00
Last Friday of the month – sanitary day

Museum “Lopasnya-Zachatievskoye Estate”

Monday, Tuesday – days off
Wednesday-Sunday from 10.00 to 17.00 (the museum ticket office is open until 16.45)
Last Friday of the month – sanitary day

Memorial School, p. Novosyolki (literary exhibition “In the world of Chekhov’s heroes”)

Memorial school in the village of Novoselki due to technical reasons, SUSPENDS ITS WORK UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 2024. We apologize!

Address of the Melikhovo Museum and its branches

A.P. Chekhov's Museum-Reserve "Melikhovo"

142326, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Chekhov urban district, Melikhovo village,  territory of   "A.P. Chekhov's Museum-Reserve "Melikhovo".

Melikhovskaya School.

142326, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Chekhov urban district, Melikhovo village

Museum of A.P. Chekhov's letters. Post and telegraph office Lopasnya st. Lopasnya

142301, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Chekhov city, 4a Chekhova str.

Museum «Lopasnya-Zachatievskoye Estate»

142300, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Chekhov city, 10 Pushkina str.

Memorial School, village. Novosyolki  (literary exposition "In the World of Chekhov's Heroes")

142326, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Chekhov urban district, Novosyolki village

How to get to the Anton Chekhov Museum-Reserve "Melikhovo" by public transport?

Byus: From metro station. Lesoparkovaya, bus #365 (1365) to Chekhov station. Chekhov, then by bus/route taxi №25 (Nerastannoe) to the stop Melikhovo village.

By train: From Kursk station, take an electric train to Chekhov station. Chekhov, then by bus/route taxi №25 (Nerastannoe) to the stop Melikhovo village.