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Vladimir Kurochkin


Vladimir Kurochkin


In 2008 he graduated from the State Institute of Theatre Arts (GITIS) (the Russian University of Theatre Arts between 2011 and 2015), a workshop of Professor L. E. Heifetz

Other roles

THEATRE DOC (Documentary Play Theatre)

Exhibits by V. Durnenkov , directed by Alexey Zhiryakov, ~ as grandfather Tolya.

Mikhail Roshchin and Alexey Kazantsev Center of Drama and Directing

After-school reading by Yu. Mamleyev, directed by Olesya Nevmerzhitskaya, ~ as Petya Sapozhnikov

Tabakerka (Oleg Tabakov Theatre)

Olesya by Alexander Kuprin, directed by Olesya Nevmerzhitskaya, ~ as the resident of Perebrodye.