About the event
Alleys of love. Love is sudden, elusive and invincible, giving us immortality. Are our meetings on these alleys coincidental or does fate guide us? How else can you save yourself when your world collapses and eras change? In the year of the 150th anniversary of Nobel Prize laureate I.A. Bunin the poet, realist and subtle psychologist; In the year of the 100th anniversary of the Crimean Exodus, we present to you the play “Alleys of Love or the Last Steamboat.”
“The lieutenant sat under a canopy on the deck, feeling ten years older.” (I.A. Bunin “Sunstroke”).
“...the composer suddenly tore off his hat and, with all his might, shouted with tears throughout the entire square:
- My sun! My beloved! Hurray!” (I.A. Bunin “Ida”).
“Precaution never hurts,” he said. - L'amour fait danser les ânes, and I feel as if I were twenty years old. But you never know what could happen...” (I.A. Bunin “In Paris”).