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Performance "The Black Monk"

Performance "The Black Monk"


Age limit:



1 hour 20 minutes

upcoming event

22 March 2025, Sa


About the event

The heart of this production which is staged on the basis of the most mysterious work by Anton Chekhov is made up by the text of the writer. Not very easy, rather sensitive and psychologically intensive, this story tunes the audience to an intimate conversation about the meaning of real life guidelines and phony ideals that make a man inhuman.

Rustem Fesak, the director of the staging, in a team with actors of the Melikhovo theatre, first of all gives a great deal of thought to looking for something to believe in and, at the same time, he thinks about lack of faith that can destroy a person fr om the inside and lead him to nowhere, to absolute mental emptiness.

The Black Monk is regarded as one of the most enigmatic works written by Chekhov. There are many unanswered questions and so called inconvenient topics that affect something deeply personal of yours.

Nevertheless, the Director managed to stage a play for the general public through masterly placing accents in his production and thus having highlighted for the audience a sizable human tragedy – a tragedy of a gifted creative person living in the world of undermined principles – a tragedy which makes you involved and feedback with empathy.

Centuries pass, but the nature of fundamental truths remains unchanged. Creative work without understanding of the idea – in the name of what it does exist – may bring about not a creative, but a destructive force, while reluctance to seek Inward Light can drive a person mad. Here in Melikhovo, all these topics have the ring of truth just because this is the place wh ere lived and worked the great writer and doctor who used his literary scalpel to anatomize human manners.

"We are trying to read Chekhov's story so that to make it clear for us and to talk to people on topics that are always shadowed in our everyday lives. Just speaking to them in the Chekhov language," said the Director of the production. The Black Monk – is a timeless performance; it will be interesting for those who have not lost the ability to sense this language. Those who still have the ability to believe, love and think.



Scenography and costumes

Olga Vasileva


Andrey Vasilievich Kovrin/
Master's degree

Varvara Nikolaevna

Frequently Asked Questions

Opening hours of the Melikhovo Museum and its branches

Museum-Reserve A.P. Chekhov's "Melikhovo"

Monday – day off
Tuesday-Sunday from 10.00 to 17.00 (the museum ticket office is open until 16.45)
Last Friday of the month – sanitary day

Melikhovo School

Monday, Tuesday – days off
Wednesday-Sunday – from 10.00 to 16.45
Last Friday of the month – sanitary day

Museum of Letters of A.P. Chekhov. Post and telegraph office st. Lopasnya

Monday, Tuesday – days off
Wednesday-Sunday from 10.00 to 17.00
Last Friday of the month – sanitary day

Museum “Lopasnya-Zachatievskoye Estate”

Monday, Tuesday – days off
Wednesday-Sunday from 10.00 to 17.00 (the museum ticket office is open until 16.45)
Last Friday of the month – sanitary day

Memorial School, p. Novosyolki (literary exhibition “In the world of Chekhov’s heroes”)

Memorial school in the village of Novoselki due to technical reasons, SUSPENDS ITS WORK UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 2024. We apologize!

Address of the Melikhovo Museum and its branches

A.P. Chekhov's Museum-Reserve "Melikhovo"

142326, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Chekhov urban district, Melikhovo village,  territory of   "A.P. Chekhov's Museum-Reserve "Melikhovo".

Melikhovskaya School.

142326, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Chekhov urban district, Melikhovo village

Museum of A.P. Chekhov's letters. Post and telegraph office Lopasnya st. Lopasnya

142301, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Chekhov city, 4a Chekhova str.

Museum «Lopasnya-Zachatievskoye Estate»

142300, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Chekhov city, 10 Pushkina str.

Memorial School, village. Novosyolki  (literary exposition "In the World of Chekhov's Heroes")

142326, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Chekhov urban district, Novosyolki village

How to get to the Anton Chekhov Museum-Reserve "Melikhovo" by public transport?

Byus: From metro station. Lesoparkovaya, bus #365 (1365) to Chekhov station. Chekhov, then by bus/route taxi №25 (Nerastannoe) to the stop Melikhovo village.

By train: From Kursk station, take an electric train to Chekhov station. Chekhov, then by bus/route taxi №25 (Nerastannoe) to the stop Melikhovo village.

How do I sign up for an excursion to Melikhovo or an interactive program?
You can make an appointment by phone: 8 (905) 781-29-10 or 8 (499) 941-03-13 (Tue-Sun from 10.15 to 16.45); or by leaving your application on the "Excursions and Programs" page under the tour or program that interests you. You will receive an email reply as soon as possible.