Games not only fill the need for rest and relaxation, but are also a training, an exercise for developing self-control. Games make people more organised and focused.
In Russia there were about three thousand games. It is hard to even imagine it! The XIX century was especially rich in fascinating inventions, which left in history an excellent set of interesting games.
Visiting the programme "Games are positively necessary", you will get acquainted and learn the basics of ancient games and be surprised how interesting and modern they are, and maybe discover many new ideas on how to spend a family evening and how to entertain guests on holidays.
Anton Pavlovich accurately noted: "Games are positively necessary. It is healthy, beautiful, and liberal, liberal in the sense that nothing serves to merge estates and so on like street and public games". (Letter from A.P. Chekhov to A.S. Suvorin, 16 March 1895)
The game programme includes:
Board games
- lotto
- biryulki
- pile-a-mala
- cats and mice
- flies in a bowl
- fishing