Performance "Polite people"

Age limit:
1 hour 20 minutes
About the event
In this production, the creators skillfully, following Chekhov, talk about the acutely social through irony. At the same time, global and very timely things can be clearly read behind the human traits and characters of the heroes. “Polite People” is a play about different worldviews, but common values, where everyone has something to think about. And no matter how hilariously absurd the situations into which foreign heroes find themselves, alien in spirit and incomprehensible to Russian people, they give us the opportunity to take a closer look, first of all, at ourselves.
The performance features Cossack folk songs: “Oysya, you oysya”, “Cossack prayer”, “The sun has set behind the distant mountain”, “Roses”, “There is wine, we drink wine”.