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Eliseeva Polina


Eliseeva Polina
Since 2009, she has been an actress of the Chekhov Studio Theater of the Chekhov Melikhovo Museum-Reserve

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Stage Speech at GITIS from 2012 to the present.

In May 2018 she visited the Kristin Linklater Voice Centre in Orkney Islands in Scotland as part of the "Introductory Voice" internship with the famous American voice and speech teacher Kristin Linklater.

In 2019-2020, she underwent professional retraining at the "Moscow Pedagogical State University" in the programme "Logopaedics" with the qualification of teacher-speech therapist.

Author of textbooks and articles devoted to the problem of teaching "stage speech":

- ""Psychological gesture" by Mikhail Chekhov in modern theatre pedagogy" / The Art of Stage Speech. Vyp. 2, M.: GITIS, 2014

- "Mikhail Chekhov's Stage Speech. The origin and formation of the "Psychological Gesture" as a method of rehearsal" / Eternity in the palms of his hands. Once again about Mikhail Chekhov. M.: GITIS, 2015

- "Voice-speech training with a gymnastic stick" together with Kosenko V.S. / The Art of Theatre: Stage Speech at the Theatre School. 2020 г. The Art of Theatre. Issue. 11 Stage speech in the theatre school / Edited by Yu. A. Vasiliev. Moscow; Ekaterinburg: Cabinet Scientist, 2020

- "Articulation gymnastics with "bioenergoplasty" according to the method of R. G. Bushlyakova" / The Art of Stage Speech: Vol. IV / Comp. and Rev. ed. Promptova I. Yu. - Moscow: GITIS 2021

- "Christine Linklater. Diary of a participant of the training" / "Speech on Stage: Collective Monograph" / Nauch. ed. Yu. A. Vasiliev. Ekaterinburg, 2021

- "M.A. Chekhov's speech toolkit in work on the role of Eric XIV" / Theatre. Painting. Cinema. Music. 2021, № 2

- "Psychological gesture - an element of Mikhail Chekhov's creative theory" / Observatory of Culture. Vol. 19 6/2022

- "Our Teacher - Irina Yurievna Promptova" together with Kosenko V.S. / Stage speech: history, theory, practice: Collection of scientific articles. - Moscow: GITIS Publishing House, 2022.

- "From the experience of work with the teacher-director Suzanna Pavlovna Serova" / Stage speech: history, theory, practice: Collection of scientific articles. - Moscow: GITIS Publishing House, 2022.

- "The book as an object in the formation of resonant sound" Theory and practice of stage speech: Collective monograph. Vyp. 3, SPb.: Izd-vo RGISI, 2023

- "Speech gesture in the actor's art" / Methodology of modern theatre studies. GITIS. 2023

- "Speech-voice training with sound-letter cushion". Collective monograph. VGIK. 2023


as Old woman, horse, crow

Elena Andreevna, his wife, 27 years old

Мама, Волшебница, Наденька Соколова

Lidiya Stakhievna Mizinova

Elena Ivanovna Popova

The girl in red Natasha

Wilka Tfayzovna Pfeif.

To the cinema

“Longer than a century...” (dir. Elyor Ishmukhamedov)

Elena (credited as Polina Krinitsyna)


In 2008 she graduated from GITIS - Workshop of People's Artist of Russia L.E. Heifetz.

In 2011 she graduated from the GITIS master's program in the department of stage speech. Since 2012 – senior lecturer in the department of stage speech at GITIS.


  • Prize of the XV Regional Theater Festival "Dolgoprudnenskaya Autumn" in the category "Best Supporting Actress" for the role of Masha in the play "Shots and Kisses" (2021)