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Comprehensive lesson on the story «Kashtanka» by A. P. Chekhov»

Comprehensive lesson on the story «Kashtanka» by A. P. Chekhov»


Age limit:



30 minutes


A.P. Chekhov Museum-Reserve «Melikhovo»

The time of the event:


Additional information:

The program is designed for a group of 15 to 20 people

upcoming event

At the moment, there are no scheduled events. However, you can submit your request here.


The class is aimed at fostering interest in fiction and is held for children of the older group of kindergarten. After watching the cartoon, children will get acquainted with the story "Kashtanka" by A.P. Chekhov. According to their age, the young guests of the museum will get information about the writer and doctor A.P.Chekhov. Through conversation and role-playing the children will get to know the characters of the story in more detail, they will be able to become circus artists and see the contents of the magic circus suitcase! It is possible to organise the class in a pre-school institution.


You can sign up by clicking on the "SEND APPLICATION" button. We will send you a reply to the email address you provide.