Age limit:
2 hours 10 minutes with intermission
Melikhovo, Open stage
Additional information:
Pushkin Map
Igor Konyaev
Azerbaijan State Academic Russian Drama Theatre (Baku, Azerbaijan)
Date of the event
22.05.2024 19:00
About the event
Production designer Olga Gerr does not illustrate the novel by A.S. Pushkin, she fulfills the task of stage director Igor Konyaev, who, having defined the genre of the play as a story of one love, organizes the action in such a way that all the characters in this story become convincingly noticeable. And each person - character in the story about the captain's daughter has its own significant place in the composition of the dramatization and action.
There is not a single unimpressive or inconspicuous acting work in the play. This is such an organic and harmonious professional union of three generations of theater actors, from folk and honored ones to yesterday’s graduates starting their career in the profession, that you want to watch this story about the love of Pyotr Grinev and Maria Mironova again and again.